On March 10, 1929 the following officers
(40% of the force) were dismissed: Sgt. Herb Reilly, Edward Samuel #132, Paul Ware #126, Sidney Carne #137 and Otto Malm #129. The three men pictured in suits are Desk Sergeants.

(June-Dec 1929) New Force-aft dissmissals-Village
Front: Robert Carr, Sgt. Frank Bramhall,
Lt. Ray Rheingruber, Chief Carl Soderlin, Sgt. George Rauch, Walter Gray. Rear: Neal Randall, Oliver Schultz, Edwin Petersen, Charles Broehl, Bernard Gerard, Charles Wilson, Leslie


River Forest Police Department Group Photo
May 2, 1930.
Front Row: unidentified dressed in suit,
Sgt. Frank Bramhall, Matthew Petersen, Neal Randall, LeslieWatson, Sgt. George Rauch and unidentified dressed in suit.
Rear Row: Lt. Ray Rheingruber, Charles
Broehl, Robert Carr, Charles Wilson, Oliver Schultz, Walter Gray, Bernard Gerard and Chief Carl Soderlin. Notice that the two Sergeants and the nine Patrolmen are
uniformed for motorcycle patrol: wires are removed from their hats, Sam Browne Belts, riding trousers and motorcycle boots.

(Public Works between 10/49 and 2/51)
Front: Lt. Bernard Gerard, Chief Carl Soderlin,
Lt. Leslie Watson
Second Row: Frank Ahrens #146, Mathew Petersen
#130, William Ingle #156, Orlow Stensby #158, Sgt. Charles Wilson, Sgt. Joseph Welch, Sgt. Frank Bramhall.
Third Row: Frank Schoff #160, Richard Martin
#162, Norman Goodman #152, Frank Sasgen #161, Arthur Willing #163, Ralph Marsh #154. Rear: Raymond Bauer #141, William Nicholas #164, William Bailey #165, Richard
Rehmer #166, Gordon Koesche #151.

same group w/o jackets |

1960 |

1965 |

1974 |
Top Row: Chief Frank Ahrens, Det.Lt. Carl Bangert, Det.Lt. John Kessler, Lt. Richard Samuel, Sergeants William
Bailey, Albert Berry, James Barstatis and George Strauch, Officers: James Lietz, Harry O'Brien, Thomas Smith
Center Row: Officers: William Blasco, Nicholas Coscino, Harold Blesy, Charles Lahey, Ilario Saviano, Richard
Gray, William Anstrand, Michael Schoenbeck, Robert Ford, Charles Schauer, Rodger Zawacki
Bottom Row: Arthur Neault, James Maher, Claude Franke, Dennis Farrell, Richard Iverson, Records: Marilyn
Desk: Salvatore Oddo, Rose Sansone, Janice Ditch and Patricia Kernan